A million TAPs for peace!
Peace has to start as an individual decision. By making a choice to focus even a small segment of my day on peace, I am taking that first step towards every rational person's fantasy — saving the world." -- Ophelia Julien
Like Ophelia, a housewife and mother, each of us longs for a world at peace. For after all, we are by nature peaceful souls.
Like Ophelia, we want to get involved in our own simple way but oftentimes don't know how. What can we do to create peace? Peace in Mindanao? Peace in the world?
We can "TAP" for peace. TAP is short for Thoughts and Acts of Peace.
In this connection, we are pleased to invite you to join Mothers for Peace, the Mindanao Commission on Women and other organizations all over the country in the campaign to create a Million TAPs for Peace.

The nationwide campaign was launched at the start of Peace Month on September 1, 2008 at "Talkback with Tina Palma" on ANC. It will culminate during the Mindanao Week of Peace on December 3.
If you agree to join the campaign, please forward this invitation to as many of your friends and family as you can. You may access the Campaign Kit from our website www.milliontapsforpeace.org
Remember: A single thought has changed the world. How much more a million thoughts? A single act has changed the world. How much more a million acts?
Let us gather a million TAPs for peace!
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