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Chicken a la Carte: A Winning Film

Director: Ferdinand Dimadura | Genre: Drama | Produced In: 2005

Synopsis: This film is about the hunger and poverty brought about by Globalization. There are 10,000 people dying everyday due to hunger and malnutrition. This short film shows a forgotten portion of the society. The people who live on the refuse of men to survive. What is inspiring is the hope and spirituality that never left this people.

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to share with you something similar that is an issue very close to most of us, the planet earth and its valuable resources and how we treat its environment as collective humanity.


    it is short film, made from contributions by 500 film makers from 114 countries which was premiered worldwide this week to over 1 million people.

    please watch it, and if you choose do tweet it and share it with our community, our world needs to really embody the planet to its core and lead the world in global change.


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